Fortnite: The Longest 2 Minutes of My Life

Diving into a chaotic game of pursuit in Fortnite left players questioning the art of time and patience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite came alive in a heart-pumping chase that lasted what felt like an eternity.


  • Players experienced intense frustration and thrill during a prolonged chase in Fortnite.
  • The mobility in the current season was critiqued for being excessive and leading to drawn-out battles.
  • Community sentiment varied from amusement to annoyance at the gameplay dynamics.

Intense Pursuit

A user, ‘godmademequeer,’ humorously pointed out that the chase must have felt longer for the pursued player, adding a touch of empathy to the relentless pursuit witnessed.

Gameplay Dynamics

Commenter ‘Fieryhotsauce’ criticized the excessive mobility this season, expressing frustration with the gameplay aspects that prolonged encounters.

Lighthearted Banter

‘wifrzzy’ found humor in the situation, referencing another game’s popularity in relation to the chase, adding a light-hearted twist to the intense pursuit.

The chase scene captured a mix of emotions from the community, highlighting the diverse experiences players encounter in the fast-paced world of Fortnite.