Fortnite: The Sunglasses Debate in the Community

Are sunglasses on bird skins in Fortnite cool or just a disastrous mess? Let's find out what the players think!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about the sunglasses featured in the Interstellar Bass emote, particularly how they look on the bird skins. Some find it perfect while others think it’s a disaster. Opinions are split!


  • Players are divided on whether the sunglasses on bird skins look good or not.
  • Some think it makes the skins goofier, while others believe it ruins the aesthetic.
  • There’s humor in the community’s responses, with comparisons to a guy in a costume and debates on its impact.

Positive Reactions

BroganChin commented, ‘Looks perfect to me,’ showcasing a positive sentiment towards the sunglasses on the bird skins. This indicates that some players appreciate the new look and find it fitting.

Negative opinions

However, Wrinklebear expressed a ‘Hard disagree’ with the new aesthetic, showing a contrasting view that the sunglasses might not be a great addition to the bird skins. This highlights the differing perspectives within the community.

Humorous Takes

UltiGoga’s comment of ‘Now it looks like a guy in a costume’ adds a touch of humor to the debate, indicating that some players find the new look funny and unconventional. The community seems to enjoy poking fun at the situation while still sharing their honest opinions.

The Fortnite community’s reactions to the sunglasses on bird skins range from appreciation to criticism, with humorous observations sprinkled in between. The diversity of perspectives and the playful banter highlight the dynamic and engaging nature of discussions within the gaming community.