Fortnite: This Caught Me So Off Guard – A Pleasant Surprise or Major Letdown?

Did Fortnite surprise its players with a new update or disappoint them with unexpected changes? Find out what the community thinks!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite, the wildly popular battle royale game, has managed to keep players on their toes with regular updates and surprises. A recent post on the Fortnite subreddit titled ‘This caught me so off guard’ has caught the attention of the community. Let’s dive into the comments and see if this surprise was a pleasant one or a major letdown.


  • Genuine surprise with a unique musical addition
  • Desire for in-game pick inspired by the music
  • Hopes for a collaboration with skins and other content
  • Potential foreshadowing for Hazbin skins

Genuine Surprise:

According to Redditor Sammy1228Official, the unexpected musical addition caught them off guard. As someone who regularly listens to this type of music, the blend was seamless for them. However, when they used a program on their phone to figure out the song and were greeted with an insane pop-up, they were left in shock.

In-Game Pick:

Another Redditor, Skull_of_a_time, expressed their desire for the music to be featured as an actual in-game pick. They were captivated by the tune and couldn’t wait to have it in their arsenal. This comment garnered support from other players who shared the same sentiment.

A Collaborative Effort:

Michael_Swag ignited speculation about a potential collaboration by suggesting a full collab with multiple skins and other content. The idea of combining the unique musical addition with a creative collaboration got the community excited.

Foreshadowing Hazbin Skins:

StartTheParty1 expressed their hope that the surprise could be a foreshadowing of Hazbin skins. They desperately wished for this connection, indicating the love and enthusiasm for both Fortnite and Hazbin.

AmIAEpicGamer used the opportunity to inquire about the song’s identity, as they had already acquired the emote and were curious about the origin of the music. This highlights the enjoyment and appreciation for the surprise, even from players who were unfamiliar with the song.

Final Thoughts:

The unexpected musical addition in Fortnite has generated a mix of genuine surprise, desire for in-game integration, hopes for collaborations, and speculation about potential skins. Despite some players’ lack of familiarity with the music, the overall sentiment in the comments section leans towards a positive reaction. Fortnite continues to keep its community engaged and entertained with unique surprises that truly catch them off guard.