Fortnite Update: The Buzz on Magneto Gauntlets in Battle Royale

Explore the new Magneto Gauntlets and their impact on the Fortnite gaming experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about the new Magneto Gauntlets – are they a game-changer or a rare find?


  • Players love the power of the Magneto Gauntlets against cars.
  • Spawn rates are a concern, with some finding them too scarce.
  • The balance between rarity and effectiveness is a hot topic.

More Power Than Expected

Many players appreciate the immense damage the gauntlets deal, especially against vehicles, making them a unique addition to the game. Their ability to decimate cars has sparked both excitement and concern among the community.

Spawn Rate Frustrations

While the power of the gauntlets is undeniable, players are frustrated by their low spawn rate. Some have struggled to find them even after multiple matches, leading to a sense of rarity that may need adjustment.

The Rarity Debate

The rarity of the Magneto Gauntlets is a point of contention among players, with some enjoying the challenge of hunting for them while others desire a more accessible gameplay experience. The balance between rarity and impact is a key factor in shaping player sentiments.

The Magneto Gauntlets have certainly made an impact on Fortnite, with players divided on their availability and power. As Epic Games continues to iterate on the game’s mechanics, the community eagerly awaits further developments that may shift the balance of power in Battle Royale.