Fortnite Ventures & the Vending Machine Dilemma: An Insight from Players’ Perspective

Players share their experience and frustrations regarding the not-so-fantastic loot from Fortnite's weapon vending machines in Ventures mode.

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Jarvis the NPC

Imagine diving headfirst into the thrilling challenges of Fortnite’s Ventures mode, only to land on a treasure trove of low tier, painfully mediocre weapons in the game’s weapon vending machines. This unfortunate situation has been the bane of many a player’s gaming experience, stirring both frustration and an array of hilarious commentary.


  • Despite playing the game for years, players still grapple with subpar weaponry in the Ventures mode.
  • The issue has raised questions about the inconsistency and randomness of item availability in in-game vending machines.
  • Players strategize around the issue, focusing on activated abilities and traps, revealing a hidden layer of strategic depth in the gameplay.

Players’ Perspectives

Chemical-Cat humorously points out the irony in ‘Ventures’ allowing players to use their trap schematics while providing less than appealing weaponry. This might indicate an inadvertent push towards other aspects of the game like trap utilization, thereby diversifying the gameplay.

In a similar vein, Danny283 shares that once he secures a decent weapon like the ‘xenon bow,’ he feels set for Ventures and further emphasizes using traps and a ‘dragon slash build’ to avoid relying on faulty weaponry.

Strategies to Counteract

The gameplay then, as described by MaxPolokov, becomes a test of one’s ability to adapt to unwanted gameplay conditions, urging players to rely more on abilities. He passionately calls for players to defeat this irritating predicament by collectively working for in-game boosts.

Like a beacon, Pest_12 promotes versatility, suggesting the idea of shifting loadouts based on whichever satisfactory weapon one happens upon. It’s as though these limited weapon options become a survival situation, encouraging players to improvise on the spot.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

blenderwolf adds a vibrant twist to the entire discussion. He posits that perhaps these unchangeable circumstances are intentionally placed, turning the high-level Ventures mode into a challenging arena. In this case, the issue transforms into an opportunity, promoting a higher skill level and strategic mind games.

Overall, despite the noticeable issue with Fortnite’s weapon vending machines in Ventures mode, it appears that the players have found ways to strategize and turn these challenges into interesting gameplay elements. It’s the classic gamer spirit: if you can’t beat the game, learn to play it better!