Fortnite: What Happened to Trail Thrashers? Are They Vaulted?

Discover why Fortnite players are questioning the disappearance of trail thrashers and if they've been vaulted.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the fast-paced world of Fortnite, players are left wondering what has become of their beloved trail thrashers. Are these iconic vehicles vaulted forever?


  • Players are noticing the absence of trail thrashers in recent games.
  • Some speculate that the bikes may return with new features in the future.
  • There are mixed reactions, with some players expressing disappointment and others not missing the vehicles.

The Legacy of Trail Thrashers

Many players fondly remember the excitement of zipping around the map on trail thrashers, enjoying the unique experience they offered. However, their sudden disappearance has left a void in the gameplay for some.

A Missing Piece

For those who loved the thrill of using trail thrashers, their absence is keenly felt. The lack of communication regarding their removal has led to confusion and disappointment.

Speculations Galore

Some players are optimistic that trail thrashers may make a comeback with new features or improvements. The hope of seeing these vehicles return adds a sense of anticipation to the game.

Since they can’t make money off it, they removed them

Since they can’t make money off it, they removed them

yeah lol

then again almost no one used them