Fortnite: What Level Are You After 11 Days of Gaming? Find Out Now!

Discover the levels of Fortnite players after 11 days of gaming. Are you a hardcore regular player or a casual gamer? Let's find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players on Reddit are discussing their levels after 11 days of gaming. From the seemingly casual to the hardcore regulars, the levels and experiences vary widely.


  • Players boast about high levels achieved in a short time.
  • Different perceptions of casual gaming emerge from various comments.
  • Some players share strategies for leveling up efficiently.

Ziggy—420: Level 69 and Climbing

Ziggy—420 plays casually but has reached an impressive level 69 in just 11 days, showcasing rapid progress and skill in ranked matches.

The Nice Guy101: From Level 115 to Level 10

The Nice Guy101 humorously contrasts their previous season’s high level with their current more relaxed approach to the game, highlighting the evolving nature of their gameplay.

I Am Javier: Casual vs Hardcore

I Am Javier challenges the definition of casual gaming, emphasizing the dedication required to excel in Fortnite and pointing out the differing perspectives on gameplay intensity.

FlowingLiquidity: From Winning to Losing

FlowingLiquidity shares a humorous take on their gaming experience, highlighting the ups and downs of Fortnite gameplay and the impact of new features like cars on their performance.