Fortnite: What’s Your Favorite T-60 Style?

Discover the preferred T-60 style in Fortnite among players and why they love it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are sharing their favorite T-60 styles and why they stand out. Let’s dive into the community’s top choices and the reasons behind them.


  • Black Knight is a hit for its crossover appeal and design nuances.
  • Some players appreciate the standard T-60 for its classic look.
  • Hot Rod Flames get love from Fallout 4 fans for the nostalgic factor.

Hitchhiker’s Guide to T-60 Styles

HypixL appreciates Black Knight’s Outcast armor vibe and cool crossover appeal, while UltraNoob4558 prefers the standard T-60’s simplicity over flashy paint jobs.

The Fallout Connection

HourGlassTwinErotica enjoys the hotrod style for its Fallout 4 nostalgia, while Commercial_Bag_8729 opts for the sleek Black Knight look.

All or Nothing

FujjiSnake can’t pick just one, SLCSlayer29 loves Black Knight, and Okay-Commissionor has a humorous take on the Enclave power armor.

Grandmas’ Verdict

Despite the divide, most players seem to gravitate towards Black Knight for its unique design choices. Whether you’re a fan of the standard T-60, Hot Rod Flames, or Black Knight, each style brings its flair to the battlefield. The debate continues, but one thing’s for sure: Fortnite players love their T-60 armor styles