Fortnite: Which Shotgun Reigns Supreme in the Game?

Debating the top shotgun in Fortnite; fans share varied opinions and insights.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are buzzing about the best shotgun in the game. Is it the Gatekeeper, Combat, or Hammer Pump? Let’s dive into the discussion!


  • The Gatekeeper prevails due to its damage output and range.
  • Combat Shotgun is favored for its precision and reliability.
  • Hammer Pump divides opinions with its unique playstyle.

Gatekeeper: A New Favorite

The Gatekeeper’s efficiency and damage output make it a preferred choice among many players. Its ability to secure kills quickly and effectively sets it apart from other shotguns.

Combat Shotgun: Precision Matters

Players praise the Combat Shotgun for its accuracy and rewarding gameplay experience. It rewards skillful aiming and is a popular pick in intense combat situations.

Hammer Pump: A Controversial Pick

While some players appreciate the Hammer Pump’s playstyle, others criticize its performance compared to newer shotgun options. Its unique mechanics make it a divisive choice among the player base.

Regardless of your shotgun preference, the debate rages on, showcasing the diverse opinions and playstyles within the Fortnite community.