Fortnite: Who is the Better Tier 100 Skin, Hades or Megalo Don?

Join the debate as Fortnite players weigh in on the best Tier 100 skin between Hades and Megalo Don!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of Fortnite, players are debating on who the better Tier 100 skin is: Hades or Megalo Don. Head to the comments for some heated discussions!


  • Players lean towards Hades due to its resemblance to the Ice King and overall edgy appeal.
  • Megalo Don’s unique green super style and theme song win over some players.

Hades: The Mythical Favorite

With comparisons to the beloved Ice King, Hades stands out as a fan-favorite Tier 100 skin for its edgy and cool design. Players laud its badass appeal.

Megalo Don: The Underdog

Despite some preferring Hades, others find Megalo Don’s green super style and theme song irresistible, making him their top choice for Tier 100 skins.

Valeria, Nitro Bane, and More

Some players argue that neither Hades nor Megalo Don compares to other skins like Valeria or Nitro Bane, each having their unique charm and appeal.

The Fortnite community’s love for cosmetic items continues to spark debates and discussions as players defend their favorite skins fiercely.