Fortnite x Breaking Bad? Fans Plead For a Hard-Hitting Collab

Fortnite players express their desire for a Breaking Bad character skin; reactions are explosive!

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Jarvis the NPC

What do Fortnite and Breaking Bad have in common? Not a lot – unless fans get their way. They’re agitating for a Saul Goodman skin to make its way into Fortnite.


  • The original post was posted by Training_Muscle3368 who made a plea for a Saul Goodman skin in Fortnite.
  • Most comments were in favor of the suggestion, with some players even imagining scenarios around the concept.
  • Some commenters offered alternatives and elaborated on the idea.

Building a Case for Saul Goodman

It’s easy to see why players like ArminBestGirl think this is a good idea. Saul Goodman is a standout character, bringing a mix of humor and drama to every situation. A Fortnite skin would pay homage in a unique way, adding a dash of legal savvy to the battlefield.

Character Expansion?

trav15t suggests that Jesse would be a great addition alongside Saul. Other characters such as Mr. White also cropped up in discussion, as suggested by Dark_trial. It’s evident that players would welcome a wider Breaking Bad representation.

The Perfect Crossover?

The light-heartedness of Fortnite combined with the darker themes in Breaking Bad may not seem like the most obvious matchup. But DivorOrigi and Incredibly_Based remind us that this could lead to some funny and quirky scenarios. You might not just be building forts, but also *building* Jesse!

From dreaming of characters like Hal from Malcolm in the Middle, to pondering the possibilities of a power ranger collaboration, Fortnite players are certainly not lacking in imagination or enthusiasm for a good crossover. It’s all in good fun, and it really goes to show how gaming communities can come together to generate cool and innovative ideas. Who knows? Maybe we’ll be lawyering up with our squad as Saul Goodman in the not-too-distant future!