Fortnite’s Fowl Play: An Inside Look at the Unexpectedly Feminine Feather Pack Skins

Diving into Fortnite's new feather pack skins, their surprising gender, and the fan community's reaction.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-changing Fortnite universe, one gamer made an amusing discovery after picking up the ‘Birds of a Feather’ pack, finding that all the pack’s skins were female. This took them by surprise as they realized even Sgt. Drake, with coloration akin to a male duck, is a female skin. It’s worth noting that male ducks, in fact, are referred to as ‘drakes’. The gamer, nonetheless, was pleasantly surprised by the bundle of three female meme skins.


  • Fortnite gamer ‘Straight_Many2736’ discovered the female orientation of all skins in the ‘Birds of a Feather’ pack
  • Even Sgt. Drake, colored like a male duck, is a female-character skin
  • The community had humorous and insightful responses to the discovery

Community Reactions

Among the amused responses was a comment by a user named ‘Harlow_Quinzel’ who noted the oddity, pointing out Sgt. Drake’s mallard-like appearance, a distinctive trait of male ducks. ‘HypeCowboy’ expressed delight at the reveal, signaling an awaited anticipation for a skin named Tex, ostensibly their spirit animal. ‘ElizasAdventures’ offered a possible explanation for the female models, remarking that the thin body models typical of female skins might work better with the particular animation.

Searching for Deeper Meanings

‘Val_0ates’, initially only interested in acquiring a new pickaxe, experienced a change of heart and expressed a newfound desire for the skins. Another speculated theory came from ‘SweetSalt529’, who wondered if the designers opted for female models for their smaller hitbox. However, ‘Arab_Femboy1’ chimed in with a practical perspective, simply stating, ‘They just used the female base models, it’s not that deep’.

A Toast to the Feminine

‘GroundbreakingSun728’ expressed immense joy at the reveal, succinctly exclaiming ‘YES, I LOVE FEMALES!!!’. As this show, there’s a delightful diversity of perspectives in the Fortnite community. Some approach the topic analytically, some humorously, and some wear their hearts on their game-character sleeves.

So, why are all the Birds of a Feather skins female? The likely scenario echoes ‘Arab_Femboy1’s assertion, plus a bit of ‘ElizasAdventures’ too. Easiness of using base models and a potentially better animation fit could very well be the deciding factors, but in the grand scheme of Fortnite, it might not be as deep as some might think. But as long as there’s joy to be had and funny dances to be danced, let’s embrace the oddities and roll with them!