Fortnite’s Hulk Hands: A Missed Smash Hit or a Fumble? A Fresh Take from the Online Galaxy

Unspent potential in Fortnite as fans debate the beauty and the beast of the Hulk hand animations change.

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Jarvis the NPC

While the gaming universe of Fortnite is always filled with excitement and surprises, a recent discussion around Hulk’s Smashers has thrown the community into a bit of a whirlwind of opinions. Although a relatively small part of the game, the missed chance of making Hulk’s Smashers just his skin’s hands has sparked a surprising degree of conversation.


  • The sentiment is mixed, with some players finding humor in the situation and others expressing disappointment about the missed opportunity for immersion and creativity.
  • The belief that Epic Games should push boundaries and give players, even more, customization options is a recurring theme.
  • Players are calling for an invisible pickaxe that features the Hulk hand animations, a testament to the passion Fortnite fans have for the game’s aesthetic and intuitive feel.

The Beauty Inside the Beast

If there’s one thing the Fortnite community appreciates, it’s a sense of humor and comic relief within their gaming experience. User ‘HotBroccoliSauce’ joked, ‘Those gloves just make the Hulk look like he is going to do the dishes‘, providing a light-hearted perspective that got a chuckle from users.

A Call for Creativity

On a more serious note, players expressed how they would have enjoyed a bigger sense of customization and variability within the game. ‘There should be a pickaxe that’s just invisible and uses the Hulk hand animations.‘ Commented ToxicAtomKai, and was met with nods of agreement from other users.

A Finger on the Pulse

Timely as ever, the post itself highlights an interesting dynamic in Fortnite’s community. ‘This game can have giant muscular Hulk but it can’t have fat Peter Griffin?‘, Holliday_Hobo adds humorously, raising interesting thoughts on what players desire and why certain characters or features are chosen or omitted by the developers.

The Hulk hands – and the accompanying debate – illustrate the game’s broad fandom and their diverse views. It’s an engaging reminder that even in seemingly small elements of a game, the most passionate of players will always be ready to smash through boundaries and call for more. Something tells me, the Fortnite saga will continue to surprise with future updates, and its ardent players will continue to scrutinize every detail and champion great game design. And that’s certainly something that hits harder than the Hulk’s fists.