Fortnite’s Persistent Locker UI Frustrations – Players Voice Out

A 45-day wait post-update and Fortnite's Locker UI remains a point of contention among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite’s Locker User Interface (UI) remains unaddressed – despite a 45-day waiting period fingers crossed for a revamp; the topic picks up steam in the gaming community.


  • Frustration over the unchanged Locker UI has resulted in players not utilizing gun wraps and banners.
  • The lack of UI improvements is viewed as a major downfall of Chapter 5.
  • Returning players struggle to understand the logic behind the ‘worse’ Locker UI.

The Root of Player Frustration

A major source of disappointment cited by user ‘Frisreddit’ was the unchanged UI of the Locker. This elicited a response from ‘Treesdeservebetter’ who, as a returning player, is at a loss as to why the UI would be made worse. Swapping between presets has become a tasking endeavor, dousing the excitement factor Fortnite once had said the user.

The UI and Its Effects on Gameplay

This issue extends beyond just the visual appeal. Users like ‘LargeBarnacle7711’ are demotivated by the lack of what they understand to be basic features like premade shuffling. Where’s the promise to work on this, wonders ‘ThePoorPoet’ in a response. ‘Whuwuris’ takes the conversation further by pointing out how the notifications system is in an even worse state than before.

The Other Side of the Coin

Despite the disappointment expressed by many players, we caught a slight humor scent in the situation. Users ‘Edmanbosch’ and ‘veezy55’ took a more laid-back approach suggesting a dose of patience, and perhaps a sprinkle of new topics could alleviate the tension in the community. ‘Antihistamine69’ reminds our enthusiastic bunch, after all, it is just a game.

As the Fortnite community continues to voice out their concerns over the stagnant UI situation, the hope for change still flickers in the background. It serves as a strong testament to the bond players form with the game’s design elements and their impact on the overall gaming experience. Here’s to hoping user ‘Frisreddit’s’ frustrations, shared by many, paves the way for improvement and further engagement in Fortnite’s community. Talk about a plot twist!