Fortnite’s Save The World Surprises With Boosted Playercount, Outranks 2 New Games

Unpacking the sentiments around the Fortnite's Save The World game mode surpassing new arrivals. Find out why it matters!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the ever-fluid world of Fortnite, where change is the only constant, the Save The World mode seems to be proving critics wrong. With a spike in player count, it’s now outperforming two of the game’s new launches and causing quite a stir amongst its fans.


  • Apart from just outperforming the new games, this spike in engagement for Save The World shatters some preconceived notions about its declining popularity.
  • Post author ‘weltyistaken’ opines that this should send a strong message to Epic Games to pay more attention to STW.
  • The post’s sentiment largely leans on the positive side, with a dash of frustration expressed towards the other two new modes.
  • Digging through the ocean of comments, we uncover an underlying longing for more new content in STW, and critical takes on the new game modes

The Community Speaks

Fan ‘ShawHornet’ criticized the lack of new content, stating that both ‘Jam stage’ and ‘rocket racing’ needed fresh rewards, hinting at vbucks. This view was echoed by several others who share his sentiment and frustration.

‘StonkOmaticz’, however, was decidedly more pessimistic, claiming that Epic Games won’t pay heed to community sentiments. This forms a stark contrast against the optimism expressed by others.

What Does This Mean For Fortnite?

The surprising success of STW over the new games highlights how important it is for Epic Games to listen to its community and constantly innovate. Players are looking for new and exciting content. They love the world of Fortnite, but they want it to keep evolving. This could also be a stark reminder for the developers to not underestimate the power of their older modes when introducing new ones.

In the mad scramble to stay relevant and exciting in the gaming universe, it’s important to remember the magic that made a game popular in the first place. The sentiment among commenters suggests that the pursuit of newness shouldn’t come at the cost of losing what made Fortnite special in the eyes of the players.