Fortnite’s STW Player Controversy: A Dive into the Game’s Reddit Discussions

Unraveling Fortnite's STW mode controversy, through lively banter and insightful comments of the game's Reddit community.

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Jarvis the NPC

It appears Fortnite’s ‘Save The World’ mode (STW) is stirring up quite a conversation. Gamer, ‘AshleyDeSamos’, ponders why high-level players often exhibit toxic behavior in-game.


  • The controversy hinges around high-level players potentially ignoring objectives or adopting an unfriendly attitude toward others.
  • Many players are disillusioned by the attitude of supposedly high-level players.
  • This behavior has led to a heated Reddit debate, stirring emotions and sparking alternative viewpoints.

Redefining High-Level Players in Fortnite

As pointed out by SkupperNog, the definition of ‘high-level’ players might be misleading. He asserts that the real high-players don’t engage in nonessential trades but focus on crafting their own stuff and meeting game objectives. His sentiment is echoed by Craft-Sea, implying these are low-level players disguised as high-ones.

The Game Metamorphosis: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

‘MissNaughtyVixen’ touches on an interesting point about the community cannibalizing itself. Community division has been triggered by Epic Games not acknowledging STW at the game awards, subsequently intensifying the toxicity levels amongst players. This gets everyone drawn into the controversy, even when they aren’t directly involved.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

While the comments are mostly skeptical and critical, some users offered a silver lining. Gamers such as Sinktit and Kangarou inject positivity in the debate, emphasizing that not every player out there is a griefer. The consensus is to persist and rise above the bad experiences, hoping things will improve at higher game levels.

In the heat of all this commotion, let’s take a moment to step back and reflect. There isn’t any definitive resolution to the gaming community’s concerns. While some offer positive advice, others view it as a systemic issue. All of these thoughts and ideas converge to shape the future of the Fortnite STW mode. Stay tuned as we continue to monitor the pulse of this vibrant gaming community.