Fortnite’s Super City Code: More than meets the eye!

A look into the demographics of the user-submitted Super City Code for Fortnite and the exciting discussions that ensued.

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Jarvis the NPC

A recent addition to Fortnite Creative, originally posted by acidmodzzz, has quickly piqued the interest of the community; The Super City Code: 0610-9577-7577.


  • The appeal of the Super City Code extends past just Fortnite fans.
  • The appearance and playability of the game receive high praise.
  • Questions raise about certain gameplay elements.

Universal Appeal

It’s hard to turn away from comments like Shoddy_Reason9562’s. He had a hilarious mix-up, stating, “No joke I thought this was a spider man game for a second.” Even Constant_Picture_540 pondered why “miles got a grapple glove.” Clearly the Super City Code’s visuals captivate seasoned Fortnite players and web-slinging enthusiasts alike.

High Praise

The community’s overwhelming positive remarks about Super City’s aesthetics were telling. User iceleel complimented saying “Looks really good visually.” Even MumboMan2 chimed in with his simple yet powerful “Damn that’s cool.”

Player Inquiry

Theneonscream brought up an intriguing question, “That is awesome! How did you do the invisibility?” LightBlueNggaballs was curious if acidmodzzz’s creation was clocking lots of playtime by asking, “Do you get a lot of plays?”

From the excitement these comments have drummed up, it’s clear Super City is making quite the splash in the Fortnite community. For now, we can only look forward to the future of the game. When players and web-heads alike are so engrossed, the only way to go is up.