Fostering Love and League of Legends: A Journey into Gaming Relationship Goals

A look into how gaming, particularly League of Legends, influences relationships and how beginners can catch up.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vastly popular world of League of Legends, we find a post from a dedicated girlfriend, going by the handle LowMeaning5349, looking to grasp the game. She’s recently started playing to bond with her boyfriend who’s a seasoned player, but isn’t quite on top of her game yet. Her mission? To not only understand the game, but to also find champions that match her skill level.


  • LowMeaning5349, a new League of Legends player, seeks advice to improve her skills to impress her boyfriend.
  • She enjoys the game and the experience of playing with her boyfriend, her main roles being support and bottom lane.
  • She’s looking for easy-to-play champions and effective learning strategies.
  • The post received a wide range of responses, with some offering in-depth advice on learning the game, others suggesting a more relaxed approach, and a few advising her to quit.

The Importance of Patience

First things first, you gotta remember: Rome wasn’t built in a day! As user lolok234678936 puts it, League is a game that takes time to get good at. They suggest focusing on two champions in the mid and top lanes: one being Annie, and the other, Garen. Neither relies on weird mechanics, making them perfect for beginners getting to grips with the game’s dynamics. They also encourage adopting an improvement mindset, continually questioning and understanding the game’s happening.(source)

Finding the Right Champion

The choice of champion can make or break your gaming experience. PacifistTheHypocrite suggests finding a champion that appeals to you and sticking with them. This builds familiarity, allowing you to focus on other facets of the game. They make an excellent point about not getting discouraged by losses – it’s all part of the game! The idea is to stumble, learn, and eventually, kick some serious booty.(source)

To Game or Not to Game

A surprising counter-argument was put forward by user PerdiMeuHeadphone. They advise LowMeaning5349 to uninstall the game and avoid getting sucked into it because of her boyfriend. Contrary perspective like these prevent the discussion from veering into an echo chamber.(source)

Just Play

Although many users gave detailed advice, others, like HibariNoScope69, suggest a simpler route — play casually, enjoy the game, and improvement will eventually follow. This laid-back approach encourages having fun over excessive strategizing.(source)

All in all, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to mastering League. It’s a blend of patience, choosing the right champion, committing to learning, and, most importantly, having fun. Whether you’re impressing a significant other, or just yourself, remember, at the end of the day, it’s just a game!