Fresh Gaming: How to Find All the Possessed Animals in GTA 5 Online!

Learn how to find and spawn all the possessed animals in GTA 5 Online with Fresh Gaming's helpful guide.

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Are you struggling to find all the possessed animals in GTA 5 Online? Look no further! Fresh Gaming has just released a new video that showcases all the locations and spawns for these spooky creatures. In this video, Fresh Gaming not only provides footage of each possessed animal, but also gives tips on how to ensure a 100% spawn rate. If you’re a fan of GTA 5 Online and want to complete your collection of possessed animals, this video is a must-watch!

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Key Takeaways:

  • Use the GTA web website to find the exact locations of all the possessed animals.
  • Make sure you’re in the session for at least 15 minutes before hunting for animals.
  • The possessed animals only spawn between 8:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. in-game time.
  • Be cautious of the cougar, as it can instantly take you out with one bite.

Finding the Possessed Animals

In order to find the possessed animals, Fresh Gaming recommends using the GTA web website, which provides detailed maps and locations of where the animals can spawn. This website allows you to zoom in and see the exact areas where the possessed animals might appear. It’s a useful tool that will make your search for the animals much easier.

Once you’ve identified the location of a possessed animal, it’s important to navigate to that area without calling any personal vehicles. You can only use NPC vehicles that spawn around you. Fortunately, most of the locations are near roads, making it relatively easy to find an NPC vehicle to travel around the spawn area. If the spawn area is large, Fresh Gaming suggests using an NPC vehicle to navigate through the circle where the animal can potentially appear.

A crucial tip to ensure a 100% spawn rate is to be in the session for at least 15 minutes before starting your search for the animals. Fresh Gaming recommends setting a timer and waiting until it turns nighttime in the game. Once it hits 8:00 p.m. in-game time, you can begin looking for the possessed animals.

Possessed Animals and Their Characteristics

The video showcases five possessed animals: the Pug, Boar, Coyote, Deer, and Cougar. Each animal has its own unique characteristics and challenges.

The Pug is slow and poses little threat. It takes multiple bites to take you out, but it can be stunned with a stun gun for a few seconds.

The Boar is faster than the Pug and requires more bullets to take down. Like the Pug, it can also be stunned with a stun gun.

The Coyote is one of the fastest-possessed animals and can take you out in a few bites. It can be tricky to spot in certain locations due to tall shrubs, so caution is advised.

The Deer has blood-covered antlers, giving it a unique appearance. It may take a few tries to find the Deer, but it poses a similar threat to the Coyote.

The Cougar is the most aggressive possessed animal and can instantly take you out with one bite. It will continue mauling you until you are defeated. It’s important to take it out before it has a chance to attack.

These possessed animals will be available in GTA 5 Online until November 2nd, so make sure to collect them all before they disappear!

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