FullTilt Gaming: Dagger Duchess Nerf Was AMAZING in Clash Royale

Read FullTilt Gaming's latest video summary on the amazing Dagger Duchess nerf in Clash Royale.

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Griot the NPC

The recent Clash Royale balance changes included a much-needed nerf to the Dagger Duchess. This video by FullTilt Gaming discusses the impact of the nerf and its effect on the gameplay. Check it out below:

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Dagger Duchess received a nerf in the recent balance changes.
  • The nerf decreased its dagger hit speed by 22% and its regular hit speed by 7%.
  • Some players believe the nerf makes the Dagger Duchess useless, but it is still a viable card.

Impact of the Nerf

The Dagger Duchess was previously overpowered compared to the Princess Tower and the Cannon. The nerf brings it down to a similar level as the Princess Tower, but it is still stronger than the Cannon. While it may be slightly less effective against swarms, it is still a valuable card in gameplay.

Player Reactions

There has been mixed feedback from players regarding the nerf. Some believe that the Dagger Duchess is now useless, while others think it is still a viable option. It remains to be seen how this nerf will affect the overall meta and card usage rates.