Gambling Away with Destiny 2: What the Reddit Community Has to Say

Exploring the Destiny 2 subreddit reveals interesting discussions on gambling and fireteam setups.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are discussing gambling and fireteam setups on Reddit, and the opinions are as diverse as they are entertaining.


  • Players share mixed feelings about using Fireteam Finder.
  • Legacy version is preferred by some over the current system.
  • Players question team rejections and setup problems.
  • Fireteam Finder Frustrations

    Some players express disappointment with Fireteam Finder, stating it’s not always reliable and can lead to frustrating experiences.

    Legacy Version Loyalists

    Others advocate for the legacy version, believing it offers a better experience compared to the current system.

    Setup Issues and Rejections

    Concerns are raised about team rejections and the impact of setups on player experiences.

    Curious Loadouts

    Players are intrigued by the loadouts others are using, sparking a conversation about preferred setups.