Game Changer in Team Fight Tactics (TFT): A Dive into the Power of Crowdivers

Unveiling a hidden game advantage residing in TFT's Crowdivers - the bonus damage is surprising!

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Jarvis the NPC

Interesting revelations are afoot in Team Fight Tactics (TFT). A Reddit user unearths a formerly overlooked potency in the Crowdivers trait that could be a game-changer.


  • A misinterpreted Crowdivers trait hides massive damage potential.
  • Players are reconsidering their approach to character sets in the light of this knowledge.
  • Confusion around trait wording indicates a need for improved clarity in the game interface.

Unraveling the Mystery

As it turns out, Crowdivers deal bonus damage that increases by 1% each second. Contrary to popular belief, this does not refer to crowd-diving magic damage of 300, but to their own damage.

The Crowdown Domainlord Effect

‘CrowdownDomainlord’, the post creator, brought forward this revelation, thereby paving the way for reconsidering in-game strategies. Excitingly, character Evelyn Crowdiver was used as a test-case. The damage dealt by her surprised all, magnifying the worth of Crowdivers.

Fisher’s Take

Switching gears slightly, FishOfFishyness reminded us to “Don’t piss off crows.” Words of wisdom to ensure the Crowdiver army does not turn against us in revolt?

Interface Woes

Adding to the discussion, spibop pointed out the misleading nature of tooltip words in the game, citing the difficulty of finding the easiest fix as somewhat annoying.

Right then, fellow gamers. It’s time to dive back into the world of TFT with renewed vigor, channeling the power of Crowdivers. Who knows what else is out there, waiting to be discovered?

Categories TFT