Gaming News: Accommodating Controller for Gamers with Mobility Issues

Discover how the gaming community suggests accommodating gamers with thumb injuries in this insightful post.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a heartwarming post on finding a solution for a father’s thumb injury affecting his gaming, Redditors shared various suggestions…


  • Gamers suggest options like contacting Microsoft for adaptive technology.
  • Elite 2 controllers with adjustable features could be helpful.
  • Mouse and keyboard or Xbox adaptive controllers offer alternative control methods.

Adaptive Technology from Microsoft

One Redditor recommended reaching out to Microsoft for their adaptive technology program, as they offer customizable solutions…

Elite 2 Controller

Another user highlighted the benefits of the Elite 2 controller, emphasizing its adjustable stick heights and tension to tailor the gaming experience…

Alternative Control Methods

Some suggested using a mouse and keyboard or Xbox adaptive controllers as viable options that could ease the gaming experience…