Gaming News: Are Big Games Overwhelming Gamers?

Gamers discuss feeling overwhelmed by large game worlds in today's post. Is there a solution?

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever found yourself unable to finish a game despite enjoying it? A Reddit post by user Buxton328 raises this dilemma, questioning if age plays a role in losing interest in games.


  • Players facing game fatigue struggle to complete games
  • Suggestions range from playing short games for a sense of accomplishment to taking breaks from gaming
  • Immersion in the game world without focusing on completion can reignite interest

Positive Perspectives

A user recommends playing short games like Journey or Abzu to refresh and succeed in completing them for a feeling of accomplishment.

Another user, aged 57, empathizes with feeling tired and suggests taking a break before diving back into gaming.

Negative Views

Some users feel that games have lost their novelty, with repetitive gameplay loops and lack of consequences impacting the gaming experience.

Others believe that large open-world games have become unmanageable, making it challenging for players to finish them.

A humorous take suggests embracing casual gaming and playing for enjoyment rather than completion.

Players discuss how following guides and min-maxing builds can detract from the enjoyment of games, leading to disinterest.

It seems clear that gamers are grappling with a sense of overwhelm when it comes to completing modern-day games. The sheer size of open-world titles like Cyberpunk 2077 and Red Dead Redemption 2 can be daunting, causing some players to lose interest before reaching the end credits. While shorter games offer a sense of accomplishment, others find solace in taking breaks or simply enjoying the immersive worlds without the pressure of completion. Finding a balance between goal-oriented gaming and leisurely exploration may be the key to reigniting the passion for playing. As the gaming landscape continues to evolve, adapting to these changes and finding what truly brings joy in gaming is essential for players of all ages.