Gaming News: Are Gamers Ready to Get Hyped for TES6?

Gamers are torn on whether to get hyped for TES6 after past disappointments. Will Bethesda deliver?

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The post on whether to get hyped for TES6 has gamers split. Some are wary after previous letdowns, while others are cautiously optimistic.


  • Players have mixed feelings about hyping up for TES6 due to past experiences with Bethesda.
  • Some express cynicism and doubt in Bethesda’s ability to deliver on expectations.
  • Others are hopeful but cautious, waiting to see more before getting excited.

Reactions to Past Disappointments

One user, -PM_Me_Dat_Ass_Girl-, found Todd’s statement on tech amusing, indicating skepticism towards TES6’s development.

ShoopyWooopy expressed a lack of excitement, highlighting the lack of benefits to premature hype.

Bethesda’s Presentation Concerns

Chippai_Fan predicted a cycle of initial hype followed by disappointment, questioning the reliability of Bethesda’s marketing.

HealthConscious2 shared their reluctance post-Starfield, indicating diminishing trust in Bethesda’s game quality.

Pre-Order and Review Attitudes

IntelligentSpite6364 emphasized cautious purchasing, showing a shift towards waiting for reviews before buying.

SouthInternet4113 echoed sentiments of deception, mentioning past misleading trailers from Bethesda.

Tearakan reflected on past releases and expressed disappointment in Starfield, leading to skepticism towards future Bethesda games.