Gaming News: Assassin’s Creed Shadows Hits #1 on Amazon Japan’s PS5 Best-Sellers List!

Assassin’s Creed Shadows claims the top spot on Amazon Japan's PS5 list, sparking mixed reactions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement brews in the gaming community as Assassin’s Creed Shadows rises to the top of Amazon Japan’s PS5 Best-Sellers List. Fans delve into heated debates over the game’s success, indicating a divided sentiment among players.


  • Players question the accuracy of the ranking and sales data, suggesting a potential marketing ploy.
  • The game’s pricing structure and quality are hot topics, with concerns over potential sales impact.
  • Discussions on representation and political motives in gaming spark diverse opinions and debates.

Outrage or Overreaction?

Some users dismiss Reddit outrage as a vocal minority, highlighting differing perspectives on Asian male representation and player motivations.

The Marketing Strategy

Concerns arise regarding the ranking’s accuracy and the impact of pricing and editions on sales, hinting at possible marketing tactics.

Representation Matters

Players discuss in-game representations, with mixed reactions to the character Naoe and their significance in Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

Diving into Controversy

Debates on the intersection of politics and gaming stir emotions, with varying views on the relationship between player choice and potential marketing strategies.

As the gaming community buzzes with opinions and speculations, Assassin’s Creed Shadows continues to intrigue and divide players. The game’s journey to the top spot on Amazon Japan’s PS5 list is not only a testament to its popularity but also a reflection of the diverse perspectives within the gaming world.