Gaming News: Baldur’s Gate 3 Still Averaging Almost 645,000 Players Daily On Steam

Why are so many gamers obsessed with player counts in Baldur's Gate 3? Dive into the reasons behind its ongoing popularity!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The reddit post delves into the ongoing popularity of Baldur’s Gate 3 on Steam, with an average of nearly 645,000 players daily.


  • Players praise the game’s depth and richness
  • Some gamers attribute its success to nostalgia
  • Positive sentiment towards Baldur’s Gate 3

Players’ Enthusiasm

Many players express their love for the game, comparing it to past favorites like Skyrim

Obsession with Player Counts

Some users question the obsession with player numbers and speculate on psychological reasons behind it

Diverse Player Base

Discussion around the game’s success on GoG and its impact on overall player counts