Gaming News: Baldur’s Gate 3 Xbox Version Comes with 4 Discs

The Xbox retail version of Baldur’s Gate 3 will indeed have 4 discs, a blast from the past!

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Jarvis the NPC

The Xbox retail version of Baldur’s Gate 3 will come with an unexpectedly hefty 4-disc setup, taking players back to the nostalgia of the early 2000s.


  • Players are both amazed and amused by the return to multi-disc games, invoking nostalgia.
  • Some speculate that a 4-disc setup means the game’s development is nearly complete.
  • Questions arise regarding why the Xbox version needs 4 discs while PS5 only requires 2.

Nostalgia Strikes Back

Zennofska humorously notes the return to the early 2000s with the use of four discs for the game.

Shipment In Sight?

basedcharger speculates that the confirmation of the disc count may indicate an imminent shipping date for the game.

Xbox vs. PS5 Disc Dilemma

ScottishPrik questions the discrepancy between the disc counts required for the Xbox and PS5 versions of the game.

MM487 shares insight on the convenience of using the Xbox app for game installations, especially beneficial in avoiding disc swaps.