Gaming News: Best Game Intros – A Nostalgic Dive into Memorable Beginnings

Which game intros left players speechless? Get ready for a trip down memory lane with these epic beginnings!

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the best game intros that have left players in awe, spanning from the emotional depths of Battlefield 1 to the mind-bending twists of Prey (2017) and the epic adventures of Witcher 2 and Bioshock. Let’s dive into the nostalgia!


  • Battlefield 1 intro showcases the brutality of war through perspective shifts.
  • Prey (2017) surprises players with a mind-bending narrative twist.
  • Witcher 2 and Bioshock immerse players in fantastical worlds from the get-go.

Players’ Perspectives on Game Intros

From the electrifying start of Cyberpunk 2077 to the nostalgic vibes of FF7’s explosive intro, players share their favorite game beginnings that have left a lasting impact.

Shared Nostalgia and Excitement

The heartfelt memories of growing up in Fallout 3’s vault and the adrenaline rush of storming Normandy beaches in Medal of Honor are etched in players’ minds.

Chasing the Dragon of Immersive Intros

Players reminisce the awe-inspiring experiences of Doom 3’s surround sound immersion and the epic opening of Halo 2 that still resonate with them today.