Gaming News: Best Games for Gamers with No Hand-eye Coordination

Discover the best games for players with limited hand-eye coordination and no gaming experience.

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Jarvis the NPC

Looking to recommend games to someone new to gaming and lacking hand-eye coordination? Reddit users have some great suggestions!


  • Turn-based RPGs like Dark Souls for a unique challenge.
  • Stardew Valley for relaxed gameplay with instant rewards.
  • Classic titles like Super Mario Bros. and Tetris for simplicity.
  • Slay the Spire for strategic gameplay.

Turn-based RPGs – A Unique Challenge

Some users suggested turn-based RPGs like Dark Souls to introduce a different style of gameplay that doesn’t rely heavily on reflexes.

Stardew Valley – Relaxing Gameplay with Rewards

Others recommended Stardew Valley for its pace and immediate gratification, making it suitable for beginners.

Classic Titles – Simple and Nostalgic

Classic games like Super Mario Bros. and Tetris were also suggested for their straightforward controls and timeless appeal.

Slay the Spire – Strategy and Adventure

For a mix of strategy and adventure, Slay the Spire was highlighted as an engaging choice for newcomers.

Whether aiming for relaxation or a challenge, there’s a game out there for every type of player.