Gaming News: Build Your Squad Mechanics in Video Games – Recommendations and Excitement!

Exploring Reddit recommendations for games with a 'build your squad' mechanic - building up units, town, or relationships, users share their top picks and why they love them!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A Reddit user is on the hunt for games that involve a ‘build your squad’ mechanic – strengthening units, towns, or characters. They’re seeking suggestions to dive into a unique gameplay experience.


  • Seeking games with a ‘build your squad’ aspect
  • Players crave autonomy over their characters or units
  • Recommendations span from XCOM to Wasteland 3 and more
  • Emphasis on team-building and strategic management in gaming
  • XCOM 2 – The Ultimate Squad Management Experience

    Lanko8 highlights XCOM 2 as a standout in squad and base management, praising its customization options and permadeath feature that adds depth and attachment to characters.

    Dragon Age: Inquisition – Restoring a Castle and Leading a Party

    Lanko8 also mentions Dragon Age: Inquisition, citing its blend of castle restoration, party management, and engaging storytelling as a compelling choice for squad-based gameplay.

    Darkest Dungeon – Building Roster and Town Simultaneously

    ProjectWoolf points out the depth of Darkest Dungeon, where players focus on both building a town and managing a diverse roster of characters, offering a unique gameplay experience.

    Battle Brothers and Darkest Dungeon – Brutal Turn-Based Challenges

    Honey_Badger_Actua1 recommends Battle Brothers and Darkest Dungeon for players seeking challenging turn-based gameplay with intense focus on character progression and team management.