Gaming News: Capcom Raises Salaries Sparks Controversy

Capcom's decision to increase salaries leads to heated discussions in the gaming community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: Capcom’s announcement to boost salaries for new graduates and existing employees has stirred up a mix of excitement and skepticism in the gaming community. Reddit users are divided over the impact of this move on the industry.


  • Capcom’s salary increase may not be as substantial due to economic factors.
  • Comparisons with global game dev salaries reveal disparities.
  • The weakening Yen affects the perceived value of the salary hike.

Gamers’ Take

G4mers4reClowns raised concerns about the actual impact of the 28% raise, highlighting the devaluation of the Yen and its implications on purchasing power. The disparity between Japanese and US game developer salaries was also a point of discussion, shedding light on industry practices.

Controversy Strikes

I_Ruv_Kpop criticized Reddit as a platform for discussions on Japan-related topics, citing misinformation and stereotyping. The post touched a nerve by questioning the credibility of opinions based on limited exposure to Japanese culture.

Industry Insights

DuranteA provided context on the global game dev market, emphasizing the need for nuanced comparisons beyond percentage increases. The discussion expanded to include economic factors such as currency fluctuations and regional cost of living differences.