Gaming News: CD Projekt Red Opposes Microtransactions in Single-Player Games

CD Projekt Red takes a stand against microtransactions in single-player games. What's the community's take on this?

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Jarvis the NPC

CD Projekt Red recently made a bold statement about the role of microtransactions in single-player games. Here’s what the gaming community had to say.


  • The community divided on CD Projekt Red’s stance, some praising the ethical approach while others criticize past game releases.
  • Arguments made point out the hypocrisy of the statement considering past controversies surrounding CD Projekt Red.
  • Some users appreciate the emphasis on complete gaming experiences without additional monetization tactics.

The Ethical Stance:

Many users applaud CD Projekt Red for taking an ethical stance against microtransactions in single-player games. They appreciate the commitment to providing full gaming experiences without the need for additional purchases.

Criticism Arises:

However, some users are quick to point out the irony in CD Projekt Red’s statement, highlighting past instances of releasing games in an unfinished state and patching them later.

Community Response:

Overall, the community remains divided on the issue, with some lauding CD Projekt Red’s ethical approach while others skeptically question the company’s past practices.

CD Projekt Red’s stance on microtransactions has sparked a lively debate within the gaming community, shedding light on the industry’s ongoing discussion on monetization strategies and player satisfaction.