Gaming News: CDPR’s New Boston Studio and Cyberpunk 2 Authenticity Debate

Digging into the authenticity controversy of Cyberpunk 2's Boston setting.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring CDPR’s decision to base Cyberpunk 2’s authenticity on its new Boston studio’s influence. Are the users convinced?


  • Users debate the impact of CDPR’s Boston studio on the authenticity of Cyberpunk 2.
  • Some prefer authentic local flavor, while others enjoy cultural diversity.
  • Comparisons to games like Metal Gear Solid and GTA highlight varying approaches to cultural representation.

Authenticity vs. Artistic Interpretation

One user believes cultural authenticity enriches the game, drawing parallels to Metal Gear Solid’s blend of global influences. They appreciate the unique perspective non-native creators bring to their work.

Global Perspectives on Game Development

Another user points out the success of games like GTA, developed in the UK, in satirizing American culture, challenging the notion that only local studios can capture authenticity.

Cyberpunk 2 Setting Predictions

One humorous prediction imagines Cyberpunk 2 filling its world with cybernetic Walmart stores and strip malls, satirizing the American landscape in a futuristic setting.

In the world of game development, authenticity is a hotly debated topic. While some players crave realistic local details, others appreciate the creative liberties developers take. As the Cyberpunk 2 saga unfolds, the discussion around cultural authenticity in gaming continues to evolve, shaping players’ expectations for immersive and engaging experiences.