Gaming News: Cyberpunk 2077 Limited Floppy Edition Sparks Amusement Among Gamers

Gamers react hilariously to the announcement of a limited floppy edition for Cyberpunk 2077.

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Jarvis the NPC

Just when you thought you’ve seen it all in gaming news, here comes Cyberpunk 2077 with a limited floppy edition! Yes, you read that right – 97,619 3.5” diskettes for installation. Gamers are in for a treat!


  • Gamers jest about the extensive installation process
  • Some users hilariously reflect on old-school game installation memories
  • Others express amusement at the clever April Fools’ joke

Game Installation Woes

Comments like “Assuming a ~125kb/s transfer rate and five seconds to swap disks, after a 2,739 hour install process you’ll be good to go. As long as the 3800+lb package doesn’t crush you along the way” highlight the humorous side of the limited floppy edition announcement.

April Fools’ Laughter

“God dammit I forgot it was April 1st,” expresses the sentiment of many who got caught up in the joke, showcasing the community’s ability to laugh at themselves.

Nostalgic Flashbacks

“Disk read error disk #86,472: [a]bort, [r]etry, [f]ail?” – a user reminisces about the frustrations of old game installations, connecting with others over shared experiences.

Looking to the Future

“By the time you’re done installing, it **will** be 2077,” playfully comments a gamer, turning a potential drawback into a witty prediction.

While the floppy edition may not be real, the joy and banter it has brought to the gaming community is truly priceless. As gamers navigate through the ever-evolving landscape of gaming, moments like these remind us to pause and enjoy the humor that comes with our beloved hobby.