Gaming News: Cyberpunk 2077 Version 2.12 Patch Notes – Reddit Reactions

What do gamers think of the latest patch notes for Cyberpunk 2077? Dive into Reddit's reactions!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The Cyberpunk 2077 community reacts to the recent Version 2.12 patch notes, sparking discussions and debates.


  • Players rejoice over crash fixes with Ray Tracing on Steam Deck
  • Lowered body requirement for dumpster questline sparks interest
  • Fixes for fast travel/save/inventory access bring relief

Crash Fixes and Ray Tracing

> Fixed a crash that occurred on Steam Deck when playing with Ray Tracing enabled. Who’s out here getting the 480p 10fps ray tracing experience? This patch will save lives and eyesight for many!

Questline Tweaks

Oh wow, they finally lowered the body requirement to move that damn dumpster. It’s about time! Now more players can access the intriguing side questline without grinding their stats to oblivion.

Technical Glitch Resolutions

That being unable to access fast travel/save/inventory being fixed is so satisfying. No more frustration and lost progress. It’s like a breath of fresh air in Night City

Modding Woes

How often do small patches like this break mods in Cyberpunk? Currently doing another playthrough after a long hiatus and have it set up just the way I want it. Modders beware of potential disruptions!

People are now complaining about single-player games receiving patches because their mods are breaking, classic Reddit. The age-old dilemma of updates versus mod stability continues in the gaming community.