Gaming News: Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Controversy

Capcom's decision to not contact TJ Rotolo for Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster sparks outrage among fans.

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Jarvis the NPC

Capcom’s recent revelation about the absence of TJ Rotolo in the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster has set the gaming community abuzz. Fans are expressing their displeasure on Reddit with varying opinions and theories.


  • Fans express disappointment and frustration over Capcom’s failure to contact TJ Rotolo.
  • Speculations arise about the company’s decision-making process regarding voice actors.
  • Comparisons between the original voice work and the new actors spark debate on authenticity.
  • The absence of additional content in the remaster adds to the disappointment among players.

Outrage and Disappointment

The news of TJ Rotolo not reprising his role as Frank West in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster has stirred a wave of disappointment and outrage among fans. Many express their frustration at Capcom for not reaching out to the original voice actor.

Speculations and Theories

Speculations run rife within the community, with users questioning Capcom’s decision-making process regarding voice actors. Some believe that financial considerations might have influenced the choice to go with a new voice actor instead of contacting Rotolo.

Authenticity Debate

Discussions on the authenticity of the new voice work compared to the original actors have divided opinions. Some players appreciate the continuity with the original voice work, while others find discrepancies jarring.

Missing Content Concerns

The absence of any additional content or missions in the remaster adds to the disappointment for players. Suggestions of potential modding solutions to incorporate the original voice lines highlight the community’s desire for authenticity.

The uproar surrounding TJ Rotolo’s exclusion from Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster showcases the passionate attachment fans have to the original voice actor. Capcom’s decision has sparked debates and theories among players, revealing the intricacies of the gaming community’s relationship with voice actors and authenticity in remastered titles.