Gaming News: Dragon Age Creator Speaks Out Against Crunch Culture in Massive Games

Dragon Age creator criticizes industry, sparks debate on crunch in game development.

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Jarvis the NPC

The post discusses the controversial statement by the Dragon Age creator on the impact of crunch in game development. The community is divided on the necessity and consequences of crunch culture.


  • Debate on the necessity of crunch in game development.
  • Criticism towards big companies for prioritizing profit over well-being.
  • Call for more power to developers to create games independently.

The Nature of Crunch

Developers clash over whether crunch is a necessary evil or a toxic practice that harms both creators and consumers. While some argue it’s vital to meet deadlines…

Impact of Big Companies

Users criticize big companies for perpetuating crunch due to profit-driven motives. The focus on revenue generation often leads to overreaching scope…

The Rise of Indie Developers

Community calls for empowering developers to break away from publishers and embrace independent game creation. The success of indie games demonstrates a shift in consumer preferences towards more authentic experiences…

Amidst the ongoing debate, the industry faces a critical juncture where decisions about work culture and game development practices will shape its future direction.