Gaming News: Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake – Release Date Trailer Impressions

Excited about the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake? Fans share their thoughts on the upcoming release and the impact of this remaster on the JRPG genre.

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Jarvis the NPC

Excited for the Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake hitting various consoles? Fans are buzzing about the upcoming release and its impact on the JRPG scene. Read on to catch up on the latest from the community!


  • Players eager for Dragon Quest III HD-2D Remake on multiple platforms.
  • Impressions suggest a highly emotional and nostalgic experience for longstanding fans.
  • Excitement for the art style paving the way for potential remakes of other classic titles.
  • Curiosity about the order of remakes and potential for future releases.

Reactions to the Remake

One user, SilverAnpu, shared their strong emotional connection to the remake, expressing genuine excitement about the fantastic visuals and eagerly anticipating the gameplay experience.

Art Style Appreciation

Burger_donuts chimed in, expressing love for the art style in RPG remakes and expressing a craving for a similar treatment for titles like Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy Tactics.

Nostalgic Reflections

Frik1000 reminisced about their childhood experience with Dragon Quest II, highlighting the anticipation of playing the remakes with updated graphics and a more mature understanding of the gameplay.