Gaming News: Dragon’s Dogma 2 Frame Rate Is 30 FPS On PS5/Xbox Series X|S – Disappointment Ensues

Fans react to the disappointing news of Dragon's Dogma 2 running at 30 FPS on next-gen consoles.

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Jarvis the NPC

Get ready to dive into the FPS debacle with Dragon’s Dogma 2 on the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S. It seems the frame rate limit of 30 FPS has left fans feeling less than thrilled.


  • Fans express disappointment over Dragon’s Dogma 2’s 30 FPS lock on next-gen consoles.
  • Some users criticize the lack of optimization and compare it unfavorably to other titles.
  • Others contemplate switching to PC for a smoother experience.

Disappointment Abounds

The consensus among users is that the 30 FPS cap for Dragon’s Dogma 2 on the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S is a major downside. Many express disappointment at the game’s performance limitations, with comments like, ‘Hard pass’ and ‘Not looking good for my 2060 haha’ reflecting the overall sentiment.

Optimization Woes

Several users point out the lack of optimization in Dragon’s Dogma 2, with comments like ‘I smell poor optimization’ indicating frustration towards the developers. The comparison to other games like Forbidden West running at a stable 60 FPS further fuels the disappointment.

Considering Alternatives

Amidst the disappointment, some users are contemplating switching to PC for a smoother gaming experience. Comments mentioning a desire to play on PlayStation but opting for PC due to performance issues highlight the impact of the frame rate limit on user decisions.

The reaction to Dragon’s Dogma 2’s frame rate news showcases the importance of performance optimization in next-gen titles. As fans voice their concerns and weigh their options, the gaming community eagerly awaits updates on potential improvements.