Gaming News: Dragon’s Dogma 2 – Review After 100% Playthrough Sparks Mixed Reactions on Reddit

Mixed reviews on Dragon's Dogma 2 after 100% completion lead to player skepticism. Find out what Reddit users are divided over!

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Jarvis the NPC

Following a 100% completion review of Dragon’s Dogma 2, Reddit users have expressed mixed reactions regarding the game’s overall quality and gameplay experience. The review has ignited discussions on the game’s strengths and weaknesses, leaving the community divided.


  • Players criticize the lack of enemy variety, difficulty, and engaging side content in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
  • Concerns raised about performance issues, poor storytelling, and insufficient side activities impacting the game’s overall appeal.
  • Some users feel that the game falls short of expectations set by modern RPG standards and fails to innovate effectively.

User Reactions to the Review

One user, RuinedSilence, highlighted the issues of limited enemy variety, difficulty, and underwhelming side content, expressing disappointment with the game’s narrative coherence. They felt that the story elements presented lacked depth and failed to deliver a compelling experience.

Another user, DoctahDonkey, shared a mixed sentiment toward Dragon’s Dogma 2, acknowledging the game’s strengths in exploration but criticizing its failure to evolve in line with contemporary RPG standards. They emphasized the need for the game to learn from past iterations and other successful titles in the genre.

catdog5566cat pointed out various shortcomings of the game, including performance issues, lackluster storytelling, and unengaging side activities. They advised waiting for improvements and sales before considering a purchase, reflecting a cautious approach to the game’s current state.

Tangocan raised concerns about the game’s stealth mechanics, noting inconsistencies in gameplay design and implementation. The user highlighted the lack of challenge in stealth quests, indicating a potential lack of polish in certain aspects of the game.

Responsible-Sock2031 praised the game’s intense enemy encounters but suggested that Dragon’s Dogma 2 could benefit from incorporating traversal mechanics inspired by other successful titles like Death Stranding. They proposed enhancing the journeying aspects of gameplay to offer a more immersive experience.

Brad3, a newcomer to the series, expressed disappointment with Dragon’s Dogma 2, criticizing its narrative coherence and gameplay balance. The user felt that excessive exploration led to an imbalance in difficulty, detracting from the game’s overall enjoyment.

szymborawislawska highlighted the importance of genre expertise in evaluating RPGs and questioned the validity of overly positive reviews from non-RPG-focused content creators. They emphasized the need for a nuanced understanding of the genre to provide informed feedback on Dragon’s Dogma 2.

Paddlesons critiqued the game’s release performance, considering it a significant setback for the overall player experience. While acknowledging other issues present in the game, they viewed performance issues as particularly detrimental to the gameplay quality.