Gaming News: Dragon’s Dogma 2 Update Patch Notes Review

Catch up on the latest Dragon's Dogma 2 patch notes and find out why players are buzzing with excitement or frustration!

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News! The latest Dragon’s Dogma 2 update has players talking about their experiences with the new patch notes. From new game options to performance improvements, let’s dive into the subreddit discussions.


  • Players are thrilled with the new game option addition for existing save data
  • Some users are critical of the oversight in not including a new game option in a single-player RPG
  • Performance improvements, especially in cities on PC, are noted by players
  • DLSS SUPER RESOLUTION improvement feedback is mixed

Players’ Excitement

Capcom’s update introducing the new game option for existing save data has brought a wave of excitement among players. The convenience of starting anew without deleting previous progress is a welcome addition

Where’s the New Game Option, Capcom?

Eggxcalibur expresses frustration at the absence of a new game option in Dragon’s Dogma 2, especially for a title with extensive character customization. The oversight has left some players scratching their heads

Performance Boosts

Shorkan highlights the noticeable performance improvements in cities on PC post-update. While the FPS increase is slight, the reduction in stutter enhances the gameplay experience. However, not all players share this sentiment

DLSS Super Resolution

Opinions on the DLSS Super Resolution quality improvement are divided. Some users still find the quality lacking despite the fixes implemented