Gaming News: EA Cancels Respawn’s ‘STAR WARS’ FPS – Reddit Reactions

Gamers react to news of EA cancelling Respawn's 'STAR WARS' FPS, expressing disappointment and frustration.

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: A recent announcement on Reddit revealed that EA has cancelled Respawn’s ‘STAR WARS’ FPS game, sparking mixed reactions among gamers.


  • Players express disappointment and frustration at EA’s decision to cancel the game.
  • Many commenters criticize EA’s handling of the Star Wars franchise.
  • Some users are relieved that EA no longer has exclusivity over Star Wars games.

Mixed Reactions

One user lamented, ‘Sucks for them. They cancelled the only upcoming game that I would give an exception from my don’t give EA money rule.’ Another expressed relief, stating, ‘I am so glad they don’t have Star Wars exclusivity anymore. EA were the worst publisher to have it.’ The disappointment is palpable, with comments like, ‘Even a Star Wars game not safe from EA’ underscoring fans’ frustrations.

EA Criticism

A particularly scathing comment read, ‘EA is constantly a let down anyway. 🤷🏽‍♂️’ Users also highlighted EA’s mismanagement of the franchise, with one saying, ‘Star wars games are never gonna git rid of the curse.’ The negative sentiment towards EA is pervasive throughout the thread, reflecting a lack of trust in the publisher’s decisions.

Cautious Optimism

While disappointment prevails, some users cautiously discussed potential paths forward. One user suggested, ‘For the Mandalorian game, 3rd person would be more suitable,’ hinting at a glimmer of hope for future Star Wars titles despite the setback.

The cancellation of Respawn’s ‘STAR WARS’ FPS game has generated a range of emotions among the gaming community. From frustration at EA’s decisions to cautious optimism for future projects, gamers continue to engage passionately with the Star Wars gaming universe.