Gaming News: EA Confirms Third Star Wars Jedi Game Still in Development – Reddit Reactions

Explore the mixed sentiment from gamers as EA reveals the development of the third Star Wars Jedi game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement and skepticism arise as EA confirms the development of the third Star Wars Jedi game. Will they redeem themselves?


  • Players express concerns about EA’s track record with Star Wars games.
  • Fans are hopeful for a better gaming experience despite past disappointments.
  • Some gamers are eager to see the continuation of Cal’s story in the new game.

Excitement and Skepticism

Gamers are torn between excitement for a new Star Wars Jedi game and skepticism towards EA’s involvement. The sentiment seems to oscillate between hope for a redemption arc and preemptive disappointment.

Call for Improvement

Many users highlight the need for EA to address past issues and deliver a polished, engaging gaming experience. The community expresses a desire for a game that lives up to the iconic Star Wars franchise.

Character Love

Amidst the skepticism, there is a strong attachment to characters like Cal, leading some fans to eagerly anticipate the continuation of his story in the upcoming game.