Gaming News: Eden’s Guardian Kickstarter Launch Excites the Community

Excitement and praise surround the launch of Eden's Guardian Kickstarter. Will it reach its funding goal?

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Jarvis the NPC

Gaming News: The subreddit for IndieDev is buzzing with excitement over the recently launched Kickstarter campaign for Eden’s Guardian. VoragineGS, the creator, has put in months of hard work into this project, and the community is eager to support it.


  • The community is impressed by the quality of the trailer and art style.
  • Many users are rooting for the success of the Kickstarter campaign.
  • Some users express interest in wishlist options and the difficulty level of the game.
  • Overall, the sentiment is overwhelmingly positive, with users wishing VoragineGS and the team luck.

Excitement and Support

Multiple users, such as Maestro_Spolzino and goodfisher88, express admiration for the trailer and wish the team success in reaching their funding goals.

Interest in Gameplay and Wishlist

Some users, including JynsRealityIsBroken, recommend having a Steam page for wishlisting, showing interest in following the game’s progress.

Game Difficulty and Style

Users like XxRavelinxX and SynthRogue show enthusiasm for the game’s style, with some curious about the game’s difficulty level and if it’s another challenging title.

The community’s overwhelming support and interest in Eden’s Guardian showcase a promising start to the Kickstarter campaign. With such positive feedback and engagement, it seems likely that VoragineGS and the team will see success in their endeavors. The dedication and passion evident in the project have resonated well with the community, setting a strong foundation for the game’s future.