Gaming News: Elden Ring Criticisms Spark Passionate Debate Among Gamers

Discover why gamers are divided over their opinions on Elden Ring. Does the open-world setup hinder the classic Souls experience?

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Jarvis the NPC

Let’s dive into the heated discussions surrounding Elden Ring among gamers. One Reddit post by user ‘glossyplane245’ sparked a wave of divided opinions.


  • Linear nature of the Souls series preferred over open-world setup in Elden Ring
  • Use of guides and lack of clear direction criticized
  • Difficulty levels and sense of accomplishment questioned

Elden Ring’s Open World Debate

Players like ‘glossyplane245’ express disappointment in Elden Ring, favoring the linear progression of past Souls games. The sprawling world of Elden Ring, while vast and beautiful, may lack the focused design that made the series famous.

Guide Dependency Concerns

Many comments echo frustration with the need for external guides to progress in Elden Ring. The joy of discovery and self-solving puzzles is overshadowed by the reliance on walkthroughs, leading to a sense of lost potential in the game’s design.

Difficulty vs. Enjoyment

Gamers like ‘Iron_Chic’ feel that Elden Ring’s difficulty doesn’t always translate into satisfying gameplay. The steep learning curve and obscure mechanics may leave some feeling more lucky than skilled, raising questions about the balance between challenge and enjoyment.

The criticisms and praises for Elden Ring continue to fuel passionate exchanges across the gaming community. As players seek to unravel the mysteries of FromSoftware’s latest creation, the debate over its design choices and gameplay experiences remains vibrant and ongoing.