Gaming News: Embracing the Dark Side – Players Share Their Favorite Games for Being Jerks

Discover the top single-player games that allow you to unleash your inner jerk. From humorous antics to villainous deeds, players share their favorite titles.

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever felt the urge to let out your inner jerk while gaming? You’re not alone! Players on Reddit are sharing their favorite single-player games that allow them to be a real a-hole to NPCs. From humorous antics to downright villainy, these games offer endless opportunities for mischief and mayhem. Let’s dive into the chaos!


  • Players let loose their dark sides in single-player games, relishing the chance to be jerks to NPCs.
  • Games like Fable, Baldur’s Gate, Disco Elysium, and Fallout series are highlighted for their jerk-friendly gameplay.
  • From throwing NPCs off cliffs to raising the dead as zombies, players share hilarious and villainous gaming moments.

Fable Series – Embrace Your Inner Villain

The Fable series is a popular choice for players looking to explore their darker side. Whether it’s making questionable choices or causing chaos in the world, Fable offers a playground for mischief.

Baldur’s Gate – Unleashing Supervillainy

Baldur’s Gate allows players to embrace their dark urges and become true supervillains in the game. The freedom to make morally questionable decisions adds depth to the gameplay experience.

Disco Elysium – Inventive Jerkery

Players praise Disco Elysium for its unique approach to letting players be jerks. From unconventional interactions to inventing new ways to cause mischief, this game offers a refreshing take on player choices.

Fallout Series – Moral Ambiguity at Its Best

The Fallout series excels at presenting players with morally ambiguous choices. Whether it’s manipulating NPCs or creating chaos in the wasteland, players find satisfaction in being the villain.

When it comes to gaming, sometimes it’s fun to explore the darker side of our personalities. Whether it’s for comedic relief or pure villainy, single-player games provide a safe space for players to unleash their inner jerks. So, the next time you feel like causing some digital havoc, remember, there’s a game out there waiting for you to embrace your darker side.