Gaming News: ET, a Timeless Classic or Outdated Relic?

Is ET still a gaming masterpiece after 40 years? Reddit users weigh in on its enduring charm.

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Jarvis the NPC

When it comes to classic games, ET is a name that stands out over the years. One Reddit post posed the question: is ET, released more than 40 years ago, still holding up against modern games? Let’s dive into the community’s thoughts on this enduring legend.


  • ET’s timeless visuals spark nostalgia and admiration among gamers.
  • Some users defend its enduring charm, while others question its relevance in the modern gaming landscape.

ET Nostalgia

ET’s pixelated graphics may seem dated, but for many, they evoke a sense of nostalgia that transcends its age. The game’s iconic moments still resonate with players who experienced it in their youth, creating a lasting impression that newer titles struggle to match.

Debate Over Relevance

While some users praise ET for its historical significance and impact on gaming culture, others argue that its gameplay and visuals have not aged well. The divide between those who see it as a classic and those who view it as outdated reflects the ongoing debate over the value of preserving gaming history.

Community Sentiments

Reddit users express mixed feelings about ET’s status in the gaming world. Some celebrate its enduring legacy, while others question its place in contemporary gaming discussions. The nuanced opinions highlight the diverse perspectives within the gaming community, showcasing the ongoing conversation about the importance of recognizing gaming’s past.