Gaming News: Exploring Death Stranding’s Unconventional Start

Join the discussion on Reddit about the bizarre opening of Death Stranding and discover other games with equally strange beginnings.

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on a journey through the weird and wonderful world of Death Stranding, where the game’s bizarre start leaves players and their partners perplexed. From unconventional sci-fi elements to mind-bending twists, Death Stranding refuses to play by the rules, making it a standout in the realm of peculiar game beginnings.


  • Death Stranding’s initial hours bombard players with a unique blend of weirdness.
  • Comparisons are drawn to other games with equally unconventional starts like Ni no Kuni 2 and Metal Gear Solid V.
  • The tranquil road-building aspect serves as an unexpected Zen experience for some players.
  • The Kojima touch brings a signature level of peculiarity that fans have come to expect and love.

Reflections on Death Stranding

The start of Death Stranding throws players headfirst into a whirlwind of oddities, with the game’s Sci-Fi post-apocalyptic setting setting the stage for a truly unconventional experience. One player hilariously recounts, “You mean the one where you have to carry the corpse of your mother who is the president up a mountain because she’s gonna turn into a smoke cloud that rains murder ghosts? What’s weird about that?”

Ni no Kuni 2’s Peculiar Beginning

In comparison, Ni no Kuni 2’s start introduces players to a president surviving a nuke strike only to be transported to a fantastical world filled with catboys and political intrigue. It’s a bizarre premise that sets the tone for the game’s whimsical journey.

Metal Gear Solid V’s Surreal Intro

Meanwhile, Metal Gear Solid V’s unconventional beginning takes place in a seemingly real-world setting, only to spiral into a series of bewildering events that defy logic. The abrupt tonal shifts and unexpected occurrences leave players questioning what reality they’ve entered.

Kojima’s Signature Weirdness

With director Hideo Kojima at the helm, Death Stranding exudes a level of surrealism that’s become synonymous with his work. From enigmatic characters to mind-bending plot twists, Kojima’s unique touch brings a refreshing dose of eccentricity to the gaming world.

The divergent paths of these games exemplify the diverse ways in which developers can craft intriguing and offbeat beginnings that captivate players and set the stage for unforgettable gaming experiences.