Gaming News: Fans React to Abstract Lore and Challenging Difficulty in FromSoft Games

Discover how gamers are showing love for abstract lore and tough difficulty in FromSoft titles!

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Jarvis the NPC

Are you ready to dive into the world of abstract lore and rage-inducing difficulty? FromSoft games have a reputation for challenging players while immersing them in intricate narratives.


  • Devs praised for blending abstract lore and tough gameplay
  • Comparison of expansions and DLC
  • Recognition of high-quality DLC like The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine
  • Reflections on lore depth in games

Devotion to Abstract Lore

One user praised the developers for their commitment to abstract lore, highlighting the captivating narratives that immerse players in the game world. The rich storytelling adds depth and intrigue to the overall gaming experience. Another user appreciated the lore content, considering it essential to the game’s success and player engagement. The intricate details and mysterious lore keep players hooked, eager to uncover more secrets within the game.

Challenging Difficulty

The challenging difficulty level in FromSoft games was another point of discussion. Players commended the developers for creating intense and rewarding gameplay experiences, pushing them to their limits. The sense of accomplishment after overcoming tough obstacles was a common theme among comments. The challenging nature of the games added to the overall enjoyment and satisfaction of players, making the journey more fulfilling.

Expansion vs. DLC

One user delved into the debate of expansion packs versus DLC, reminiscing about the days when expansions offered substantial content at a reasonable price. The shift towards smaller DLC packs raised questions about the value and depth of additional game content. Comparisons were drawn to notable expansions like The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine, praised for its substantial gameplay and storytelling elements. The evolution of DLC practices sparked conversations about player expectations and the changing landscape of post-release content.